Title: MuggleCast Player
Description: A Google Gadget to play the MuggleCast podcast
Author: Paulo Santos
eMail: pjondevelopment@gmail.com
Environment: Google Desktop
Keywords: Google Desktop Gadget, MuggleCast

MuggleCast Player

Screenshot for MuggleCast Player


The Software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


My first contact with the world of Harry Potter was in 2001. It was a couple months before the first movie came out that I decided to read the book before going to watch the movie.

If I recall correctly there was a book club with a promotion of the first three books by 20¢ when you enroll for a membership and I got the deal. When the books arrived I started reading, and read the first three book in a single night.

After that I was a Harry Potter fan.

And being a fan nowadays means going online to find more people like you, your fellow comrades-in-fandom.

In one of my ventures surfing the web I came across a Harry Potter site that became my home away from home, sort of speaking: MuggleNet. They have news, forum, fan-fiction, photo, galleries... you name it, they have it.

And in 2005 they started MuggleCast, their weekly podcast, and I'm a regular listened of the show ever since.

The Gadget 

Anyway, this week I decided to dust off my Google Dektop Gadget coding skills and create a gadget to play MuggleCast. I took as a starting point another gadget and start coding from there.

It retrieves the most recent episodes from the podcast feed and load a playlist with the most recent on top and the older ones following it.

I hope you enjoy MuggleCast on a new Google Gadget.

It requires Windows Media Player 9 or above to function properly. I'm currently working on making it a more boardly acceptable.

If anyone is willing to donate an working Mac for me to develop on, I'd appreciate very much.