Saturday, June 14, 2008

Why do you need to be careful with advertisement?

That's why.

Friday, June 13, 2008

SandCastle Binaries - Follow-up

Last weekend the SandCastle Project was removed from the CodePlex website, as I said in a previous post I mirrored the binaries with a little help of Eric Woodruf.

Today, I was pleased to know that, at least the binaries, were published in the Microsoft Download website.

I’d like to thank all the people who downloaded the binaries from my website (making my poor website run out of bandwidth quite fast during this week :-P ).

I will still keep the links up and running although I know the interest will diminish during the following days.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

What to do with your old PCs?

These days looks like we change PCs faster than we change our underwear.

So, what to do with all our old PCs?

Well... play dominos of course:

SandCastle May 2008 Binaries

It was really sad to know that SandCastle was removed from CodePlex.

I've contacted Eric Woodruf and he was kind enought to send me the May 2008 binaries.

I've mirrored here and here, if anyone needs it.

Editted to add: OOPS! Apparently my poor site was not able to handle the mass of people wanting to download the SandCastle binaries, so I have also uploaded to RapidShare as suggested by McHarny.