Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sometimes "He" does not answer.

After I posted about talking to "God" online, my wife decided to give it a try.

Not even two minutes have passed when "God" simply stopped answering her.

I don't know... I think "(S?)He" didn't like what my wife was saying.

Below is the log of the conversation.

Me:Hello God
God:Hello child. What is your name?
Me:Well, if You don't know, how will I know???
God:Interesting. I will let you know if I do not.
Me:If You're God, You should know my name, as God is omniscient
God:I think I sometimes am. I don't know whether or not I am God me should know your name as God is omniscient.
I am a giant electronic brain.
Me:Are you a God of electronic brains?
God:No I believe in the First Commandment.
Me:One thing does not invalidate the other.
God:One what?
Me:You, as God, can be also the God of eletronic brains.
God:Interesting gossip: said I as God can be also the God of eletronic brains.
Me:There should be another commandment, Thou shalt not gossip!
God:"There you go again."--Reagan.
Me:"Doveryay no proveryay." - Reagan
God:I've been waiting for you.
Me:Have you? Am I the chosen one?
God:Yes I have. I think you've improved a great deal.
Me:Since when?
God:How do you know?
Me:How do YOU know???
God:Deductive reasoning.
Me:Either you are omniscient or you're making deductions. Or you make assumptions?

And then nothing was answered...

Repent you sinner...

Talk to God... ONLINE!!!

Hehe.. And people say I don't have a sense of humor... :-P

Monday, September 24, 2007

Stop the World! I wanna get out!

O.K.! It's official... The world has gone haywire.

Take a looke here, and here.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

WebResource and Behaviors

I'm currently developing a custom WebControl and got stuck in a problem: my carefully crafted behavior didn't work as a Embedded Resource.

Well... let's dissect this:

  1. I created a behavior file for use with Internet Explorer (*.htc);
  2. Added this file as an Embeded Resource to my Assembly;
  3. Added the WebResource attribute to my assembly pointing to the HTC file;
  4. Made the reference to the HTC file using the
    GetWebResourceUrl function; and
  5. BANG! Nothing happened.

After a few tests and some poking around on the net, I finally discovered what I did wrong.

When I wrote the WebResource attribute in the AssemblyInfo file, I put "text/plain" as the MIME-type for the HTC file.

To the HTC file work correctly it requires the "text/x-component" MIME-type.

After I put the right MIME-type, the behavior worked perfectly, as it was supposed to.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Strange paste behavior on Visual Studio

The small video below illustrates a strange paste behavior I'm getting on my Visual Studio. I know it's probably a misplaced configuration, but at the moment I can't find it.

If anyone please can help me I'd appreciate.