Friday, December 26, 2008

Saga online

Recently I've been playing a nice strategy game, from which I get lots of fun.

I've discovered this game from another website Give Away of the Day.

From how I see, the game is a mix of Sim-City with WarCraft, where you need to manage your "nation" while going into battles where you face the computer or other players online.

There are a few downsides, though, the very first time the game is loaded it may take ages to update everything, but once it does that you wont regret.

The graphics are fine and sharp. The default resolution is 1024x768, but can be customized.

If you want to find out more, click on the link below.

Play Saga

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And people complain about Bill Gates...

I subscribe a feed that arrives regularly at my inbox and today there was a little gem about Steve Jobs and the (very) early years of Apple.

The story is a good one about how Apple became THE Apple, but one thing that really got me laughing out loud was a little remark made by, according to the source, Wozniak's Mother...

"Don’t feel bad, you were not the first person Jobs offered stock in the company for a small investment. When the boys needed printed circuit boards, Jobs offered an interest in the company to the man who did the boards. However they managed to pay for the boards and the man never got any stock. When Apple went public, Jobs would not give stock to several employees who made the Apple possible. My son gave them stock out of his allotment, or they would have never benefited from the long hours and devotion they put in to start the company. If you had given Jobs the money, he would have found a way to keep you from getting the stock."

And people complaing about Bill Gates...